Wednesday 31 October 2012

Eurozone unemployment rises to new record

A man begs for alms in a street, in Pamplona, northern Spain, Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2012. Spain's National Statistics Institute says Tuesday that the country's economy contracted 0.3 percent in the third quarter from the previous three month period. Spain is in a double-dip recession and has a 25 percent unemployment rate. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said Monday the country has no immediate need to ask for outside aid to help deal with its debts. (AP Photo/Alvaro Barrientos)

A man begs for alms in a street, in Pamplona, northern Spain, Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2012. Spain's National Statistics Institute says Tuesday that the country's economy contracted 0.3 percent in the third quarter from the previous three month period. Spain is in a double-dip recession and has a 25 percent unemployment rate. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said Monday the country has no immediate need to ask for outside aid to help deal with its debts. (AP Photo/Alvaro Barrientos)

(AP) ? Unemployment in the 17-country eurozone hit a record high of 11.6 percent in September, official figures showed Wednesday, a sign the economy is deteriorating as governments struggle to get a grip on their three-year debt crisis.

The rate reported by Eurostat, the EU's statistics office, was up from an upwardly revised 11.5 percent in August. In total, 18.49 million people were out of work in the eurozone in September, up 146,000 on the previous month, the biggest increase in three months.

While the eurozone's unemployment rate has been rising steadily for the past year as the economy struggled with a financial crisis and government spending cuts, the United States has seen its equivalent rate fall to 7.8 percent. The latest U.S. figures are due Friday.

With the eurozone economy fading, most economists think unemployment will keep increasing over the coming months and that the deteriorating economic picture will soon spook investors again after a brief hiatus.

"Financial markets have calmed somewhat, but we expect that the deteriorating economy will soon enough lead to more crisis headlines," said Tim Ohlenburg, senior economist at the Centre for Economics and Business Research.

Five countries in the eurozone are already in recession ? Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal and Cyprus ? and others are expected to join them soon.

The region as a whole is expected to be confirmed to be in recession when the first estimate of eurozone economic activity in the third quarter is published mid-November ? a recession is officially confirmed after two consecutive quarters of negative growth.

"With surveys suggesting that firms are becoming more reluctant to hire, the eurozone unemployment rate looks set to rise further, placing more pressure on struggling households," said Ben May, European economist at Capital Economics.

Recession and unemployment make it more difficult for the eurozone to deal with its debt problem ? governments need to pay more benefits to the jobless and receive fewer tax revenues. That could push countries to take even more austerity measures, which in turn weighs on economic activity.

Once again, Spain held the ignominious position of having the highest unemployment rate in the eurozone, at 25.8 percent. Greece may yet surpass that ? its unemployment rate mushroomed to 25.1 percent in July, the latest available figure, and is due to increase in the face of what many economists are calling an economic depression. The country is forecast to enter its sixth year of recession next year.

Both countries, which are at the heart of Europe's three-year debt crisis, have youth unemployment above 50 percent. That risks creating a lost generation of workers and is straining the countries' social fabric. Extremist political groups in Greece and regional separatist parties in Spain have grown in popularity as the economy worsened.

Concern over the social impact of unemployment has also weakened governments and hobbled political decision-making.

In Greece, the three parties in the coalition government have tried for months to agree on an austerity package that is necessary for the release of bailout loans to prevent the country's bankruptcy.

The lowest unemployment rate in the eurozone was Austria's 4.4 percent. Germany, Europe's biggest economy, has a jobless rate of only 5.4 percent.

Separately, Eurostat reported that inflation in the eurozone fell modestly to 2.5 percent in the year to October, from the previous month's 2.6 percent. Inflation is still above the European Central Bank's target of keeping price rises just below 2 percent.

"High and rising unemployment, and relatively sticky inflation, does not bode well for consumer spending across the eurozone, especially as consumers in many countries are also facing muted wage growth and tighter fiscal policy," said Howard Archer, chief European economist at IHS Global Insight.

Above-target inflation has not prevented the ECB cutting its key interest rate to a record low of 0.75 percent, but few economists think financially strained consumers will get any more help from the bank at next week's monthly policy meeting.

Associated Press


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Chicago New Home Remodeling Will Make a Comeback in 2013

chicago new homes remodelingDo you have any major remodeling projects planned for your Chicago new home?

Harvard?s Joint Center for Housing studies recently predicted that home improvement spending will see double-digit growth in the first half of 2013. By the second quarter of next year, homeowner spending on remodeling is expected to rise from its current annual rate of $115.1 billion to $134.2 billion by the second quarter of next year.

The Center for Housing predicts remodeling rates based on the following factors: housing starts, pending home sales, remodeling employment rates and statistics on the number of household products and materials ordered by suppliers and manufacturers.

The National Association Association of Home Builders Remodeling Index has also increased and reached a level of 50, which means that remodelers are seeing more business than earlier in 2012.

Both Lowe?s and Home Depot have also experienced high revenue growth in recent years. Lowe?s gross earnings in 2012 are at $50.21 billion and Home Depot has gross earnings of $70.4 billion. In spite of the recession, both home improvement stores have fared extremely well.


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Chinese officials turn to home brew - The Drinks Business

31st October, 2012 by Patrick Schmitt

Leaders from the area have reacted to calls from the Communist Party to reduce expenses in an industrious but unconventional way ? rather than limiting their booze consumption at official banquets, they have decided to make their own alcohol.

According to the state-run Southern Rural Daily, Baishun, with a population of just fewer than 13,000 people, drinks around 100 jin (or 50 litres) of booze every month during official events.

While the white spirit of choice for such gatherings, baiju, sells for several hundred yuan a bottle, one official from the town said their own rice-based product ? although lower in alcohol ? would cost around 5 yuan (US$.80) per jin (500ml) including the expense of buying firewood to provide heat for the brewing process.

Such a saving would make a significant difference to Baishun officials, who are under pressure to reduce spending on banquets for government or business leaders, where delicacies and vast amounts of alcohol are consumed.

Baiju for sale in China

Meanwhile, according to Reuters, other cities have already reduced their consumption of luxury food and drink, such as?the eastern city of Wenzhou, which banned the serving of shark?s fin and upmarket spirits at official dinners in July this year.

It?s widely believed that sales of extremely high-priced Baijus and international spirits Cognac and Scotch have been buoyed by decadent state banquets and gatherings, along with gifting among businessmen.

This article was published on Wednesday, October 31st, 2012 at 9:50 am. You can follow any responses to this article through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response.


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PayPal cutting jobs as part of major reorganization

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - PayPal is cutting about 325 jobs as part of a major reorganization by its new president, David Marcus, designed to regain an innovative edge and head off rising competition.

PayPal, the online payment pioneer owned by eBay Inc, said on Monday the full-time jobs would be eliminated as it combines nine product-development groups into one. The company is also cutting about 120 contractors.

EBay will take a $15 million pretax restructuring charge in the fourth quarter related to the job reductions.

PayPal, which started in the late 1990s as a scrappy Silicon Valley start-up, had almost 13,000 employees earlier this year.

"In a large company, at some point you reach the law of diminishing returns when more people means slower," said Marcus, who used to run mobile payments start-up Zong, which PayPal acquired last year.

"You have a lot of duplication of roles with nine product groups merging into one," he said.

Wall Street considers PayPal the crown jewel of eBay because it is growing fast and profit margins are expanding. But in Silicon Valley, PayPal is considered a slow, bureaucratic behemoth - a reputation that has made it difficult for the company to attract and retain smart software engineers and designers.

PayPal needs such talent more than ever because a slew of payments start-ups, including Square, Stripe and Dwolla, are developing rival services and products that are beginning to catch on with merchants and consumers.

"PayPal has been on a very strong growth trajectory, but it's facing a period of disruption ahead," said Kevin Hartz, chief executive of ticketing start-up Eventbrite.

"We just haven't seen a lot of innovation that's needed for them to continue their leadership," added Hartz, who was an early investor in PayPal and owns a small stake in Square now.

Still, Hartz said PayPal's new executive team is the right one to overhaul the company's culture and approach.

Marcus said he is reorganizing PayPal to help engineers and designers develop new products and services more quickly - to keep up with new rivals.

Marcus has organized demonstrations of rival services at PayPal headquarters in San Jose, California, and screen shots of competing products line the walls of some corridors.

"It's important to face the reality of the situation," Marcus said. "In some cases, we don't have better products and we have to do something about it."

In the past, it took PayPal six to nine months to develop and launch a product, partly because there was a long application process to assemble the required teams of employees.

After products were released, engineers and developers moved on to other projects. That meant any problems with new products took a long time to update and fix, Marcus said.

Marcus' new approach involves giving smaller groups of engineers and designers the freedom to coalesce quickly and release early versions of products that will be tested with a small sub-set of PayPal users and updated quickly, he said.


Hill Ferguson, PayPal's new head of global product, and Chief Technology Officer James Barrese oversee the new, single-product development group.

"We had multiple different product teams coming to me with their ideas and requests, which was crazy," Barrese said. "We brought that all together and can make much swifter decisions. Hill and I sit in a room and decide to do something and it's done."

The company launched PayPal Here, a credit card processing service for small merchants that competes with Square, earlier this year. The product was initially developed by a group that consisted of one product developer, two engineers and two designers.

"We are using that model for how we work going forward," Ferguson said.

PayPal is now assembling a small team of engineers and designers to change the company's core online checkout service, Ferguson and Marcus said.

Hartz said customers who pay for tickets through Eventbrite using PayPal are "jolted" over to PayPal's website to complete the transaction. That can reduce "conversion," or the percentage of customers who complete purchases, he said.

Marcus said PayPal will be working to fix such issues.

"We want to do what's right for merchants and customers. Neither wants to be re-directed when they pay," he said.


Marcus, Ferguson and Barrese hope their changes will attract software engineers and designers to the company again. That may be tough.

Soon after eBay acquired PayPal in 2002, some of the founders and early executives, including Peter Thiel, Reid Hoffman, Jeremy Stoppelman, David Sacks and Max Levchin, left to start other businesses such as LinkedIn Corp, Yelp Inc and Yammer. Thiel and Levchin are among investors in Stripe now.

That talent drain at the top of PayPal, combined with a lack of incentive to innovate further, meant top engineers often went elsewhere.

"They aren't a very strong magnet for talent right now," said Elad Gil, a Silicon Valley investor who owns stakes in Stripe and Square. "It's possible that may change."

Douglas Crockford, an expert in JavaScript, came to PayPal from Yahoo! Inc recently, joining Bill Scott, former director of User Interface Engineering at Netflix Inc.

Ed Sexton came to PayPal in September as a lead engineer after working at Apple Inc and Jive Software Inc. Sexton had previously worked at eBay for about five years.

"I heard from my colleagues that there was an insurgence of new management at PayPal, some of whom I worked within the past when I was at eBay," he said.

One attraction was PayPal's recent embrace of Hadoop, an open-source technology for crunching lots of data quickly.

"They are looking to staff engineers for this technology. That brought a lot of comfort to me," Sexton said.

Sexton's LinkedIn page now says, "NO JOB OFFERS PLEASE. Currently having the time of my life at PayPal."

(Reporting by Alistair Barr; Editing by John Wallace, Bernard Orr and Lisa Shumaker)


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Small Loans Show Growth Potential | Finance Buzz - Personal ...

For those of us who have been around for a few years, it?s pretty clear that banking is one industry that has been through some significant changes, especially when it comes to personal loan applications. Gone are the days when you would approach the bank manager directly and plead your case to improve your cash flow situation. These days the bank manager has nothing to do with the final decision and banks are only really interested in a minimum of $5,000 if you want to borrow.

The argument against small loans it that the average $3,300 loan taken over a year racks up an additional $462 in admin fees plus an establishment fee so it doesn?t make good business sense for banks to go to the trouble of offering the service. For consumers who have overextended their credit cards and have a bad credit rating the current lending climate is a pretty aggressive place and going through the banks could be a futile endeavour so it is just as well that there are more accessible options opening up for loans, such as the ones at (, which our research led us to.

What is more, Cash Converters? personal loan growth of 31 per cent to $62.1-million is also worth a mention because the model it was built on was geared towards market needs. Its core business is extending $1,000 loans on a shorter term of seven months, accumulating $490 in interest and a $250 establishment fee. Australia?s short term small amount market is estimated to be generating more than $1-billion and, for those who are running out of viable loan options it provides a suitable channel.

Things are looking up for the cash-strapped consumer though as legislation has also recently been passed that restricts the interest and charges that can be applied to small, short term loans. Loans under $2,000 have been capped at 20 per cent of the credit amount to be charged upfront and 4 per cent on a monthly basis for the term of the loan.

Other developments in the arena of personal loan financing have seen the emergence of a new peer-to-peer platform released by SocietyOne. It is a loan management program called ClearMatch which caters to a changing world with a dynamic online solution and a secure framework through which borrowers? and investors? interests can be satisfied.

The new platform promises a more efficient personal loan process by taking the middle man, the bank, out of the borrower-investor relationship. It has also been claimed that the operating platform?s technology is more efficient than can be expected at a bank and other financial lending institutions.

The news of the software?s Australian debut comes in the wake of its success in the United Kingdom, and SocietyOne feels it is likely to have the same degree of impact down under. The software creates a mutually beneficial framework, as borrowers pay lower fees and interest and lenders can access an asset class that has kept the banks running for many years.

In its favour is fixed rate monthly interest and repayments. There is also no monthly charge and no fees apply for early repayment. The funds are provided by independent investors who invest small amounts into different accounts to create a diverse portfolio under the management of SocietyOne. Borrowers can access to up $30,000, on what has been coined a responsible borrowing option.

So if there wasn?t already enough pressure on the banks the introduction of more direct borrowing alternatives poses a threat to their precarious profit margins. The country?s big four have come under a lot of fire recently, monopolizing the market and charging Australians significantly higher interest rates and fees than their financial counterparts in the rest of the developed world.


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Tuesday 30 October 2012

Pricey New Prostate Cancer Therapy Raises Questions About ...

| By GHHub

Because proton therapy can be targeted much more precisely, it should minimize any damage to sensitive nerves and tissue around the prostate. The hope is that it translates into far fewer side effects, such as impotence and incontinence.

via Pricey New Prostate Cancer Therapy Raises Questions About Safety, Cost : Shots ? Health News : NPR.

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  1. The Right Therapy For Prostate Cancer [Letters]
  2. Therapy For Prostate Cancer: The Authors Reply [Letters]
  3. Prostate cancer in Germany among migrants from the Former Soviet Union
  5. Cost and Resource Use of Patients on Antiretroviral Therapy in the Urban?
Posted by GHHub on Oct 29 2012. Filed under Cancer, Featured Content, Featured videos and pod casts, Noncommunicable Disease, Podcasts. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry


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Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference ... - LNG World News

Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference Exceeds Expectations

Offshore industry professionals from around the world gathered in Amsterdam on 23 ? 24 October for Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference 2012. The fifth edition of Offshore Energy attracted a record number of 7,632 attendees, up 49% from last year.

Offshore Energy 2012 continued on its path of steady growth. The exhibition sold out and welcomed over 400 exhibitors, up 33% from 2011. 204 new exhibitors took part, including international exhibitors coming from a.o. Sweden, Dubai, Italy, United Kingdom, Finland, Russia, United States, and France. Exhibition visitors represented 45 countries.

?For this edition we expected around 6,500 attendants and we welcomed over 7,632, demonstrating the strong outlook for the offshore oil, gas and wind industries,? said Tessa van Hees, Marketing Manager of Offshore Energy. ?Both at the exhibition and at the conference, colleagues shared a sense of common purpose. There is a strong drive to let this industry prosper and add growth to an economy in turmoil.?

This year?s event featured six conference sessions, four industry organization side events and seven tailored sessions. For the first time Offshore Energy also featured an Industry Panel which offered a lively discussion between C-level representatives of operators and contractors as well as industry stakeholders including government, education and young professionals. The conference program attracted 700+ delegates from the entire upstream value chain.

Another new feature this year was the Offshore Energy Career Pavilion, providing a meeting point for those companies in search of new talent and offshore professionals considering a next step in their careers.

The Official Networking Event was attended by over 400 colleagues. The evening was opened by Ruud Zoon, Managing Director of GDF SUEZ Nederland BV and Member of the Offshore Energy Committee of Recommendation. Edward Heerema, founder and president of Allseas, gave a key note speech on the strength of the offshore industry and the key role of entrepreneurship in promoting innovation.

Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference 2013 takes place on 15 & 16 October 2013 at Amsterdam RAI.

LNG World News Staff, October 29, 2012



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Cuba's 2nd city without power, water after Sandy

In this Oct. 26, 2012 photo, residents walk past tree branches and power lines felled by Hurricane Sandy in Santiago de Cuba. Residents of Cuba's second city continued to find themselves without power or running water, Monday, Oct. 29, 2012, four days after Hurricane Sandy hit. (AP Photo/Franklin Reyes)

In this Oct. 26, 2012 photo, residents walk past tree branches and power lines felled by Hurricane Sandy in Santiago de Cuba. Residents of Cuba's second city continued to find themselves without power or running water, Monday, Oct. 29, 2012, four days after Hurricane Sandy hit. (AP Photo/Franklin Reyes)

Residents walk through the rubble from homes that were damaged by Hurricane Sandy in Santiago de Cuba, Cuba, Friday Oct. 26, 2012. Sandy was a Category 2 hurricane when it wreaked havoc in Cuba on Thursday, killing 11 people in eastern Santiago and Guantanamo provinces as its winds and rain destroyed thousands of houses and ripped off roofs. (AP Photo/Franklin Reyes)

Soldiers removes trees that fell during the passing of Hurricane Sandy in Santiago de Cuba, Cuba, Friday Oct. 26, 2012. Sandy was a Category 2 hurricane when it wreaked havoc in Cuba on Thursday, killing 11 people in eastern Santiago and Guantanamo provinces as its winds and rain destroyed thousands of houses and ripped off roofs. (AP Photo/Franklin Reyes)

Men carry a gas container through a street that was damaged by Hurricane Sandy in Santiago de Cuba, Cuba, Friday Oct. 26, 2012. Sandy was a Category 2 hurricane when it wreaked havoc in Cuba on Thursday, killing 11 people in eastern Santiago and Guantanamo provinces as its winds and rain destroyed thousands of houses and ripped off roofs. (AP Photo/Franklin Reyes)

(AP) ? Residents of Cuba's second-largest city of Santiago remained without power or running water Monday, four days after Hurricane Sandy made landfall as the island's deadliest storm in seven years, ripping rooftops from homes and toppling power lines.

Across the Caribbean, the storm's death toll rose to 69, including 52 people in Haiti, 11 in Cuba, two in the Bahamas, two in the Dominican Republic, one in Jamaica and one in Puerto Rico.

Cuban authorities have not yet estimated the economic toll, but the Communist Party newspaper Granma reported there was "severe damage to housing, economic activity, fundamental public services and institutions of education, health and culture."

Yolanda Tabio, a native of Santiago, said she had never seen anything like it in all her 64 years: Broken hotel and shop windows, trees blown over onto houses, people picking through piles of debris for a scrap of anything to cover their homes. On Sunday, she sought solace in faith.

"The Mass was packed. Everyone crying," said Tabio, whose house had no electricity, intermittent phone service and only murky water coming out of the tap on Monday. "I think it will take five to ten years to recover. ... But we're alive."

Sandy came onshore early Thursday just west of Santiago, a city of about 500,000 people in agricultural southeastern Cuba. It is the island's deadliest storm since 2005's Hurricane Dennis, a category 5 monster that killed 16 people and did $2.4 billion in damage. More than 130,000 homes were damaged by Sandy, including 15,400 that were destroyed, Granma said.

"It really shocked me to see all that has been destroyed and to know that for many people, it's the effort of a whole lifetime," said Maria Caridad Lopez, a media relations officer at the Roman Catholic Archdiocese in Santiago. "And it disappears in just three hours."

Lopez said several churches in the area collapsed and nearly all suffered at least minor damage. That included the Santiago cathedral as well as one of the holiest sites in Cuba, the Sanctuary of the Virgin del Cobre. Sandy's winds blew out its stained glass windows and damaged its massive doors.

"It's indescribable," said Berta Serguera, an 82-year-old retiree whose home withstood the tempest but whose patio and garden did not. "The trees have been shredded as if with a saw. My mango only has a few branches left, and they look like they were shaved."

On Monday, sound trucks cruised the streets urging people to boil drinking water to prevent infectious disease. Soldiers worked to remove rubble and downed trees from the streets. Authorities set up radios and TVs in public spaces to keep people up to date on relief efforts, distributed chlorine to sterilize water and prioritized electrical service to strategic uses such as hospitals and bakeries.

Enrique Berdion, a 45-year-old doctor who lives in central Santiago, said his small apartment building did not suffer major damage but he had been without electricity, water or gas for days.

"This was something I've never seen, something extremely intense, that left Santiago destroyed. Most homes have no roofs. The winds razed the parks, toppled all the trees," Berdion said by phone. "I think it will take years to recover."

Raul Castro, who toured Cuba's hardest-hit regions on Sunday, warned of a long road to recovery.

Granma said the president called on the country to urgently implement "temporary solutions," and "undoubtedly the definitive solution will take years of work."

Venezuela sent nearly 650 of tons of aid, including nonperishable food, potable water and heavy machinery both to Cuba and to nearby Haiti, which was not directly in the storm's path but suffered flash floods across much of the country's south.

Across the Caribbean, work crews were repairing downed power lines and cracked water pipes and making their way into rural communities marooned by impassable roads. The images were similar from eastern Jamaica to the northern Bahamas: Trees ripped from the ground, buildings swamped by floodwaters and houses missing roofs.

Fixing soggy homes may be a much quicker task than repairing the financial damage, and island governments were still assessing Sandy's economic impact on farms, housing and infrastructure.

In tourism-dependent countries like Jamaica and the Bahamas, officials said popular resorts sustained only superficial damage, mostly to landscaping.

Haiti, where even minor storms can send water gushing down hills denuded of trees, listed a death toll of 52 as of Monday and officials said it could still rise. Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe has described the storm as a "disaster of major proportions."

In Jamaica, where Sandy made landfall first on Wednesday as a Category 1 hurricane, people coped with lingering water and power outages with mostly good humor.

"Well, we mostly made it out all right. I thought it was going to be rougher, like it turned out for other places," laborer Reginald Miller said as he waited for a minibus at a sunbaked Kingston intersection.

In parts of the Bahamas, the ocean surged into coastal buildings and deposited up to six feet of seawater. Sandy was blamed for two deaths on the archipelago off Florida's east coast, including a British bank executive who fell off his roof while trying to fix a window shutter and an elderly man found dead beneath overturned furniture in his flooded, low-lying home.


Associated Press writers Anne-Marie Garcia in Havana, David McFadden in Kingston, Jamaica, and Jeff Todd in Nassau, Bahamas, contributed to this report.


Peter Orsi is on Twitter:

Associated Press


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Monday 29 October 2012

Pew Poll: Race Locked Nationally With A Week To Go

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Psilocybin for Anxiety and Depression in Cancer | Psychology Today

A recent study of people with advanced-stage cancer found that a single dose of psilocybin led to lasting improvements in anxiety and depression. Psilocybin might enhance mood by shifting attention away from negative and towards positive emotional information. Mystical experiences occurring under the influence of psilocybin could help ease existential anxiety by changing a person?s attitudes towards death and dying. Although these results are promising, research studies in this area have not used adequate experimental controls and therefore these results should be considered tentative until more rigorous research has been conducted. ?

A pioneering study in the 1970s found that psychotherapy combined with the use of psychedelic drugs such as LSD appeared to help to reduce depression, physical pain and anxiety about death in people with terminal cancer (Grof, Goodman, Richards, & Kurland, 1973). The authors? impression was that the patients who made the most dramatic changes were those who had a ?peak mystical experience? of oneness with the universe usually preceded by an experience of spiritual ?death and rebirth?. Profound experiences of this nature were seen in 25% of sessions. The authors argued that profound religious and spiritual experiences, such as a ?peak mystical experience? were particularly effective in helping patients accept death. However, they also noted that other kinds of emotional improvements frequently occurred even without the presence of a mystical experience.

This study was of an exploratory nature and due to the absence of any control group it is not possible to know whether the effects observed were specifically due to drug effects, the psychotherapy, or even placebo effects. In spite of these promising results, psychedelic drug research was effectively banned for decades when these substances were made illegal. In recent years there has been a revival of interest in this area. A 2011 study again examined the use of psychedelic drugs in people with advanced-stage cancer (Grob et al., 2011). This study used psilocybin rather than LSD because research suggests that the effects of psilocybin are more euphoric and less likely to produce panic or paranoid reactions than LSD. The drug produced no adverse medical effects and was well-tolerated.

The treatment appeared to have beneficial effects on depression and anxiety. Six months after taking psilocybin, the patients had a significant reduction in depression. What I found particularly interesting was that they also showed a reduction in trait anxiety that was significant at 1 and 3 months after treatment. Trait anxiety refers to how much anxiety a person generally feels and is usually considered a stable feature of one?s personality, closely related to a broader trait called neuroticism. The results of this study might seem to suggest that psilocybin could produce a lasting change in this feature of personality. As noted in a previous article, another study using healthy volunteers found that psilocybin produced lasting changes in the personality trait of openness to experience (MacLean, Johnson, & Griffiths, 2011). However, this study found no change in other personality traits, including neuroticism. It seems plausible that when people have advanced-stage cancer their ratings of their general levels of anxiety would be elevated compared to healthy people due to their illness. If this is the case, perhaps psilocybin helped reduce their heightened anxiety to more normal levels. However, without knowing the patients? levels of trait anxiety before their illness it is not possible to draw any definite conclusions.

Another limitation of this study, like the 1970s study cited earlier, is that there was no comparison group of patients who did not receive psilocybin to serve as an experimental control. For this reason, it is not possible to rule out the possibility that the beneficial effects observed were due to placebo effects. For example, the patients might have benefited simply from the care and attention they received from the researchers during the study. The authors of the study acknowledged this limitation and explained that they believed that it would have been unethical to withhold a potentially beneficial treatment from the terminally ill. One possible response to this is that the psilocybin treatment could have been compared to a more conventional treatment such as psychotherapy. If a single-dose of psilocybin could be shown to be as or even more beneficial than more costly and intensive treatment strategies such as psychotherapy then care of the terminally ill could be enriched.

In spite, of these limitations, the results remain suggestive. Studies with healthy volunteers have found that after a single dose of psilocybin, volunteers reported improvements in mood, attitudes to life and the self, positive behaviour changes including improved relationships, and increased spirituality, as well as increased satisfaction with life that persisted for months afterwards (Griffiths et al., 2011; Griffiths, Richards, McCann, & Jesse, 2006). Interestingly, Griffiths et al. (2011) found that volunteers reported increases in ?death transcendence?. That is, participants expressed an increased belief that there is continuity after death, e.g. belief that death is not an ending but a transition to something even greater than this life. It seems worth noting that all the participants in this study were involved in religious or spiritual activities prior to the study. Thus, they might have been especially receptive to the idea that ?spiritual? experiences induced by the drug could represent real insights into reality.

A forthcoming paper on the effects of psilocybin on attention provides insights into why psilocybin might have beneficial effects on mood and relieving depression (Kometer et al., 2012). People who are depressed show a bias towards paying more attention to negative than to positive stimuli. Depressed people find it harder to recognise happy facial expressions and respond more slowly to positive compared to negative words in emotional tasks. This emotional bias has been linked to problematic functioning in the serotonin system in the brain. Psilocybin and LSD produce their hallucinogenic effects by acting on the serotonin system, and Kometer et al.?s study found evidence that psilocybin can influence attentional biases in a positive way. In this study, volunteers under the influence of psilocybin experienced increased positive mood and took longer to recognise negative facial expression and to react to negative or neutral words compared to positive ones. Interestingly, these effects did not occur when participants had been administered a drug called ketanserin, which blocks serotonin receptors[1], before being given psilocybin. This suggests that psilocybin can induce biases of attention towards positive and away from negative emotional stimuli. Additionally, these effects appear to be due to the action of psilocybin on the serotonin system. If it is true that psilocybin treatment can be effective in reducing depression, these findings seem to suggest a plausible mechanism. This might explain why volunteers in the studies by Griffiths et al. reported persistent positive changes in their attitudes to many aspects of their lives.

The findings from these studies seem very promising. The research cited does seem to suggest that mystical experiences induced by psilocybin can help a person overcome the fear of death. Additionally, psilocybin seems to have a generally positive effect on mood and attitude that could alleviate depression. A limitation of the studies cited is that they did not use no-drug control groups for comparison to show that the effects were actually due to the drug rather than other factors such as placebo effects. Thus, it would be premature to definitely conclude that psilocybin is an effective treatment for depression and existential anxiety in people with cancer, even though the results seem very suggestive. More rigorous research designs are needed to provide more conclusive evidence. It would be useful to know if reductions in trait anxiety occur in people who were already high in this trait before developing cancer. Additionally, it would be interesting to examine whether psilocybin might help a person with cancer accept death if they do not have any religious or spiritual beliefs. ?


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Livescribe Sky WiFi Review: The Perfect Pen To Take Notes When You Can?t Use A Laptop

P1010473Short version: Livescribe is refining its smartpen once again. The two major changes are the addition of WiFi and Evernote integration. Now, the pen uses and depends on Evernote for syncing and archiving notes.


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Friday 26 October 2012

Weather forecasts boost UK utility traders' hopes for profits

LONDON (Reuters) - Forecasts for unusual weather conditions in Britain this winter are boosting utility traders' hopes of generating bumper profits just before they close their 2012 trading books.

The winter heating season began October 1 with temperatures below the seasonal norm, and mid-term weather forecasts suggest that relatively cold conditions will continue into early November, before mild and windy weather dominates the rest of winter.

"A cold start to the winter season followed by a mild peak winter season gives us the opportunity to sell our production at high prices before we short the market towards the end of the year, when mild and windy weather takes demand out of the system," a power trader with a utility said.

"It would be a nice lift for our trading books before Christmas," he added.

The season's cold start has already lifted gas prices. Wholesale spot gas prices have risen around 15 percent since the beginning of the month, and forward prices for delivery next summer have gained 5 percent.

Retail household prices have also been rising despite the UK's sluggish economic recovery.

"In recent weeks, colder-than-average realized (and forecast) weather has acted as a catalyst for price increases, as the market shifts focus to these tightening fundamentals (and) we believe European prices need to rise further to balance the market," Goldman Sachs said in a research note this week.

With the recent gains, power and gas prices have broken out of a trading range since February that has made it difficult for traders to make profits.

"The cool start to the winter heating season has been a very welcome change and allows us to sell to a market with heightened demand at decent prices, lifting our end-year results," a gas trader said.

The more common weather pattern for a British winter consists of a mild start followed by colder weather in December and January.

"When this happens, we (utilities) don't make as much profits from high demand early on in the season, and we can be caught short of production later on in winter when it gets really cold, forcing us to buy power and gas on the spot market at high prices to meet customer demand," the power trader said.

Shorting a market means taking an option to buy a product at a later point, making a bet that prices will drop. The trader usually borrows a product from a broker at a certain price and hopes to buy it later at a lower value.

Energy specialists Weather Services International (WSI) said earlier this week they expected to see unusually mild, wet and windy conditions in western Europe between November and January.

The U.S.-based company predicted that a stretch of cold weather was likely in the first half of November across much of Europe but that conditions would become milder after that.

Meteorologists at Thomson Reuters Point Carbon have said they expect temperatures slightly below the seasonal average for early November but that unsettled and wet weather would dominate the rest of winter, with temperatures near normal.

(editing by Jane Baird)


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Asus Vivo Tab RT

The Asus Vivo Tab RT ($599 list bundled with Mobile Dock) is an interesting slate tablet that can be equipped with a clamshell notebook dock. It makes a little more sense for most business and consumer users than the Sony VAIO Duo 11 (D11213CX) PCM1: , because you can go for ultra portability (just over a pound) by leaving the keyboard Mobile Dock at home. With the Mobile Dock, the Vivo Tab RT works just like a clamshell ultraportable laptop. With true "all-day" battery life, the Vivo Tab RT is a good road warrior machine, provided your road warrior's primary needs are the Web and Office. There are a few kinks to work out, but the form factor is promising.

Design and Features
The Vivo Tab RT follows current slate tablet design cues. It sports a 10.1-inch touch screen with a 16:9 aspect ratio. The tablet's sides are curved for comfort when you hold it, like the Apple iPad . Windows RT shares the new Windows User Interface (UI) with Windows 8, though Windows RT won't run older x86 programs written for Windows XP and Windows 7 like Windows 8 can. Windows RT is a more streamlined version of Windows that runs well on the ARM-based Nvidia Tegra 3 in the Vivo Tab RT, at the expense of backwards compatibility with older Windows programs. But then again, you would be in the same boat if you decided to stop using your Windows laptop in favor of a Mac laptop, Android tablet like the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 , or the iPad.

The Vivo Tab RT has a pair of webcams, a back facing 8MP one with LED flash and 2MP front facing one for Skype and self shots. Both webcams are located on the top of the tablet, reinforcing the Vivo Tab RT's landscape orientation. Accelerometers automatically rotate the screen to portrait mode. On the bottom of the tablet in the front is the Vivo Tab RT's soft Windows key. The Windows key acts like the Windows key on a keyboard, primarily switching back and forth between the Windows UI (formerly known as Metro interface, also known as the Start screen) and the current active app. The screen supports up to five touch points, which is fitting as you'll have one hand free when using the handheld tablet.

The Vivo Tab RT has a microSD slot, micro-HDMI port, and a headphone jack, but that's about it for standard non-proprietary connectors. In addition to the docking connector on the bottom, there's a 36-pin port for the included USB charging cable. The system's 36-pin port also supports an included USB 2.0 dongle, so you can plug other peripherals in like USB flash drives and mice. The dongle is easy to lose, however, so keep track of yours.

The Vivo Tab RT weighs just over a pound (1.15 pounds). This makes it lighter than the 1.44-pound weight of the iPad. The Vivo Tab RT measures about 10.5 by 6.75 by 0.37 inches (HWD), which is comparable to the Surface (11 by 7 by 0.37) and the iPad (9.5 by 7.5 by 0.37). The back panel has an embedded NFC (Near Field Communication) sensor, in anticipation of NFC becoming a widely utilized standard. The tablet also supports 802.11 b/g/n 2.4GHz Wi-Fi, but lacks a radio for the 5GHz bands (the iPad supports 5GHz Wi-Fi). The Vivo Tab RT also has built-in Bluetooth 3.0 (the iPad supports Bluetooth 4.0).

The Vivo Tab RT trumps the iPad by bundling in a Mobile Dock with a mechanical keyboard and extra features like a USB 2.0 port and built-in battery. The dock adds 1.2 pounds to the weight of the tablet. The Mobile Dock's 22WHr battery supplements the Vivo Tab RT's 25WHr internal battery, given the combination almost double its potential battery life. The Mobile Dock's keyboard is more cramped than a standard keyboard. The measurement from the Q key to the P key on a standard desktop keyboard is about 7.5 inches; on the Vivo Tab RT Mobile Dock, it's 6.75 inches. It's certainly more usable than the onscreen keyboard that takes up screen space, but it will take you a few typing sessions to get used to. Currently, the Vivo Tab and Mobile Dock are sold as a bundle, and individual pricing is not available.

The docking connector is also an adjustment. You have to push a switch on the tablet while pulling the Vivo Tab RT off of the dock to disengage. Latching back onto the Mobile Dock is simpler, and the tablet vibrates to let you know the link is successful.Of course, you don't have to worry about connecting a keyboard to the iPad: on the iPad it's a Bluetooth keyboard or bust.

The Vivo Tab RT comes with the standard Windows RT operating system setup, including mail, music, video, Internet Explorer 10, Maps, the Windows Store, and Xbox Live Games. The system also comes with Microsoft Office 2013 RT (Home and Student), so you use it for work right out of the box. Office 2013 is the preview version right now, but Microsoft will update Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote to the full versions once they are available through Windows Update. Asus also added a few programs to the Start screen, including Amazon's Kindle reader, a webcam app, Supernote (note-taking), MyLibrary (an open e-book reader), MyDictionary, 8GB of Web storage (for the life of the unit), Asus@vibe fun center (another game store), and a guide to Windows RT.

The Vivo Tab RT is pretty responsive to swipe inputs, whether on the screen or using the built-in trackpad on the Mobile Dock. The trackpad was occasionally finicky, but when it did work it was responsive. Hopefully Asus can sort out the occasional hiccups with a software update. Viewing 720p HD videos on the Vivo Tab RT were smooth with only a few dropped frames, and video from Netflix looked great on the bright IPS+ display. Thanks to the IPS+ display, you could watch from a wide variety of angles, above and below the screen. Adobe Flash videos like the Wreck It Ralph trailer on the website looked great. On Rightmark's Browsermark benchmark test, the Vivo Tab RT was a little behind the iPad, but it still performed well.

The Vivo Tab RT excelled in terms of battery life. It lasted 9 hours 37 minutes on our video rundown test, well above its nine hour claims. The iPad lasted 10:54 on the same test. We couldn't test the battery life with the Mobile Dock (our test video ends at ten hours and change). That said, using the Mobile Dock should extend the Vivo Tab RT's battery life to about 15 hours.

The Asus Vivo Tab RT certainly scores well on battery life, innovation, and portability. Usability, on the other hand, is a mixed bag. It comes with Office RT, a must-have program for workers and students, but the 3,000 app selection from the various apps stores (Windows Store, Asus@Vibe, and Xbox Games) are paltry in comparison to the hundreds of thousands of apps on the iTunes Store, tens of thousands on Google Play, and millions of apps for Windows 7 and 8. Until the Windows Store really gets going, you'll still find a better selection of apps on an iPad or Android tablet. That said, if what you need is a physical keyboard, phenomenal battery life, Microsoft Office, and the Web, the Asus Vivo Tab RT is an intriguing choice.

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Wednesday 24 October 2012

ELDOA and myofascial stretching - a new way to heal back pain

Years ago, I had a trainer come working for me who introduced me to ELDOA (Longitudinal Osteoarticular Decoaptation Stretches, is taken from the French Etirements Longitudinaux avec Decoaptation Osteo-Articulaire). He offered an ELDOA workshop at Urbanfitt years ago. Since then, I've been including myofascial stretching in my training and added to my knowledge of myofascial stretching in the Fascial Stretch Therapy I became certified in.

Then the next time I heard about ELDOA again was last week when a trainer I share space with had learned some stretches from his Osteopath. Then I also heard about an ELDOA class a friend signed up for at Sphinx Pilates on College Street offered by a very skilled instructor, Petra. I thought it was time to write a bit about it since it seems to be taking off as a new more mainstream trend in back health.

ELDOA was developed by a french Osteopath named Guy Voyer. Although Guy Voyer is known internationally for his osteopathic expertise, he considers himself first and foremost a trainer who wants to pass on his skills to the next generation.

Guy developed an ELDOA exercise for every articulation in the spine starting at the base of the skull and ending with the sacro-illiac joint. Disc compression existing at any level of the spine can be addressed through a specific ELDOA exercise.

The goal of each ELDOA exercise is to create fascial tension above and below the joint or disc that one is trying to "open up" or decompress.

The benefits include:

Reduced vertebral compression
Improved circulation
Spinal disc re-hydration
Increased muscle tone and awareness

Disc hydration is an important and misunderstood factor in spinal health. Our discs are like sponges; when the area is properly hydrated and the discs are not compressed they draw water in. This hydration is necessary to maintain the suppleness that is present in a healthy disc. If the disc is dehydrated and compressed it will dry out and become brittle. It is in this state that nerve compression and inflammation are more likely to occur.

Why should you consider it? If you're finding that your back problems aren't going away despite concerted efforts to heal, then maybe ELDOA will be your answer. Most osteopaths are focused on fascia in their healing process. Don't resign yourself to back pain and instead, maybe try seeking out alternative care you haven't yet tried.


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18 educators from Africa, Middle East for Microsoft PLF

By Emeka Aginam
For enhancing student success through innovative use of technology in the classroom, the software giant, Microsoft, yesterday announced that 18 educators from Nigeria, Ghana, Jordan, Mauritius, Oman, Pakistan, Lebanon, Qatar, Turkey, South Africa, Egypt, UAE, Lesotho, Saudi Arabia, Uganda and Morocco will?represent the Middle East and Africa in the Partners in Learning Global forum? which will take place in Prague, Czech Republic from November 28 to December 1 2012.

The 18 educators had 15 project winners and a recognized top Moroccan host country project. The projects were selected from 90 projects, having previously competed at national Forums in their home countries.

A distinguished panel of regional judges including representatives from Nigeria, Saudi, Egypt, Oman, South Africa, Lesotho, Jordan, Turkey, Indian Ocean Islands and Morocco ? evaluated the 90 educator projects.

31 Middle East and Africa finalists were announced followed by the award to the 15 winning projects.

Meanwhile, the innovative educators are not limited to the following: Ayodele Odeogbola from Abeokuta Grammar School, Nigeria for Rescue Mission, Sarah Adei from Ghana for Child Labour; A Child?s Perspective, Ghadeer Obaidat and Rania Obaidat from Jordan for Glimmer of Hope, Deoranee Sunno from Mauritius for Science for Eco- Learners, Jamila Al Ghafri from Oman for Tell me a story, Munazza Riaz from Pakistan for Aqua Crunch, Yosser Alchidiak from Lebanon for Warak Warak Method, Tamer Farghaly from Qatar for Robots in math and science, OzlemPaker from Turkey for Communications and the Digital Natives, Charli Wiggill from South Africa for Braille Memory Game and Toys for the Blind, Tamer El Kady and Walid Ibrahim from Egypt for One Human, One Planet, Praveen Afroaz from UAE for World Wild Web, Lucille Kabelo Mahlatsi from Lesotho for Literature at our fingertips, Mona Alkhodairi from Saudi Arabia for Save the Planet and
Chole Richard from Uganda for Youth Voices.

However, Morocco, host country, top project: Rakkane Abdallah for Second world war books.

?As educators, we take great pride and joy in watching our students improve their academic performance and go on to take active roles in society.

?To enable that progress, it is important for us to keep up with the latest teaching methods and tools, and give students the confidence to use these 21st Century skills,? Ayodele Odeogbola, Nigeria, Abeokuta Grammar School, one of the awarded teachers at the Forum, said

Adding that , ?The Partners in Learning Forum gives educators a unique opportunity to come together and celebrate our successes, and learn new approaches and methods from our colleagues.

I?m excited to go back to Nigeria and share these experiences with my colleagues and students.?

?The annual Partners in Learning Middle East and Africa Forum in Morocco is yet another example of our commitment to, and investment in improving learning experiences, with the help of technology and trusted educators in the region.

I am very grateful for the Ministry of Education of Morocco?s partnership and the enormous support it has provided in hosting the Forum,? Isam Shahwan, Education Director, Microsoft Middle East and Africa, said ading that, ?All the winning projects from the Middle East and Africa have the potential to transform education and contribute to the social and economic development of the region.

Microsoft will continue to follow the achievements of these educators and support them along the way. ?

?Every year it is inspiring to see how these incredibly passionate educators embrace technology, helping to transform learning in their classrooms and education in their local communities. After all, ICT is an essential tool for quality education, and quality education ultimately leads to a better future for students and their countries, ? Khalil Abdel Massih, Partners in Learning Manager, Microsoft Middle East and Africa, said.

According to Massih, ?Microsoft is honored to recognize the creative professionals across Middle East and Africa who are driving innovation to empower young people in the region. I wish this year?s winners the best of luck in the Global Forum and encourage them to continue sharing the best practices across their countries and globally.?

The annual Microsoft Partners in Learning Middle East and Africa Forum took place in Marrakech, Morocco this year bringing together 225 educators, school leaders and educational professionals from 26 countries. The Partners in Learning Middle East and Africa Forum is one of a series of regional forums taking place around the world.

The event recognizes innovative educators who creatively and effectively use technology in their classroom to engage students and provide them with 21st century skills that will set them for success.

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Best Buy listing reminds us that the LG Spectrum 2 is still on its way to Verizon

DNP Best Buy ad reminds us that Verizon's LG Spectrum 2 is still on its way

A few months back an anonymous tipster gave us a candid look at the Verizon-bound LG Spectrum 2, but after a couple more sightings here and there, the trail eventually went cold and Big Red's unannounced smartphone fled back into seclusion. However, a recent website posting by Best Buy has brought this mobile Sasquatch out of hiding and back into the mainstream media. While this listing is mostly a refresh confirming our source's shared specs, it notes the Spectrum 2's unsubsidized price as $650. Now, before you would-be buyers start directing your browser to the retailer's webpage in hopes of making a quick purchase, it should be noted that the device is listed as "sold out online." Still, we can't help but notice the pictured device's homescreen carries a date of November 3rd, which could be a nod to when the Spectrum 2 might officially show up on store shelves.

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Best Buy listing reminds us that the LG Spectrum 2 is still on its way to Verizon originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 24 Oct 2012 02:09:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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