Sunday 4 December 2011

Band Roleplay - Band Members Needed



Vanilla Dream began as a small high-school band, playing in the basement of their leader?s house on Friday afternoons. They got their big chance. The leader?s father managed a bar in town, and in a crunch over the holidays he hired his son?s band to play the night.

Someone liked what they heard.

AU Entertainment. A new company, just starting out. Their representative caught their sound, and the next day he was at the leader?s door, with an offer of a contract. The band graduated high-school as stars.
They hit the ground running, and the public loves them. They are the ?new big thing?, a phenomenon quickly becoming international. But this ? fame ? is where the real challenge begins.

It takes courage to succeed in a world of vicious competition. Other bands, paparazzi, the intoxication of fame ? everything threatens to drag the boys of Vanilla Dream down. It will take all the determination in the world to get through those challenges, and whatever else might come their way.

Long live Vanilla Dream.

1. No god-modding or power-play. You must have flaws; pretty serious ones. Our characters are real humans.
2. No supernatural abilities. At all. Or anything else of that sort.
3. Posts must be at least 300 words long.
4. You must use proper grammar, punctuation, capitalization, tenses, etc. Posts must be well-written, well thought-out.
5. Romance is expected in this RP, but do not make it explicit. When the clothes come off, please fade to black and resume after the fun.
6. You must post at least once every other day.
7. Do not just vanish. If you?re leaving for any length of time, or permanently, tell me. If you do not post for more than a week without any notification, I will take your character over until you return. Full control will be returned to you when you return.
8. Propose any plot-twists you have in mind to Everscale before putting them into effect.

Notes from the Creator
I intended for this band to be something similar to the band Cinema Bizarre.
Here is the link to my playlist of their songs. ... re=mh_lolz

Anything is possible here. No matter what your thoughts or ideas for the plotline, please run them by me. They may be rejected, but they could also make the plotline a lot more interesting.

Characters will not be determined by reserve or first-come-first-served.
Submit your character, and if I like him, I will accept him.

open ~ Background Singer ~ open
Calm, dark, a little unnerving, loyal, protective

open ~ Keyboardist ~ open
Overactive, energetic, dare-devil, mischievous, adventurous, trouble-maker

open ~ Drummer ~ open
Calm, cool, competitive, suave, flirtatious, a bad boy, viciously protective

Character Skeleton
Age: [between 19 and 21 years old]
Appearance: (please supply a picture of a real person and a description. Try to make your characters look like they fit in with the picture of the band at the top of the roleplay. You can always use the actual members of the band.)
Personality: (at least 200 words. Include flaws. Lots of perks, lots of flaws.)
History: (at least 400 words)


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