Friday 13 July 2012

Louie, Season 3

I?m with you, Jonah: This was not a great episode of Louie. The generous reading would be to see the Ramon-Louie developments as rom-com parody. The ocean meet-cute that David described, the slightly awkward first date after Louie's hotel gig, the stop whatever mundane thing you are doing and come with me right now spontaneity of the second?quickly devolving into that montage of colorful Latin people (Hispanics really know how to live!). The show might as well have slapped a sombrero on Louie and called him Katherine Heigl. And it didn't appear to be satire. Perhaps the bike moment was meant as a jab at rom-com conventions, but the rest felt uncomfortably earnest, with pretty terrible dialogue?does C.K. write better for women than men??and that awkwardly wedged-in bit of social commentary. (I'm pretty sure those glossy high-rise condos ARE real Miami.)

So, what went wrong? Gruff as he is, C.K. has always had a sappy side. The Afghanistan episode nearly went off the rails with that duckling-based cross-cultural exchange. And listening to C.K. talk about the day his first daughter was born once left me sobbing on the subway, nodding my head in agreement about the miracle of life. (This from a guy who talks like he would masturbate at his grandmother's nursing home if given the opportunity.) There's always been a tension between the Louie who looks at the world like it's a big pile of dog shit he keeps stepping in, and the Louie who can't believe how beautiful that shit can be.

Anyway, the episode wasn't all bad. I loved that Louie was less turned-on than disgusted by all of the young hotties traipsing by him on the beach. (After all, he prefers women to girls.) And I loved that he was most at home on the beach at old-men-with-big-guts hour. What else would he do with a day in sunny Miami than hole up in his hotel room scarfing a massive room-service cheeseburger before passing out next to a plate of fries?


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