Saturday 7 January 2012

Mayor denies NYE mayhem

POLICE reports of a horror New Year's Eve at Bridport were yesterday described as "bulls--t" by the local mayor, who said the inspector in charge "doesn't know what he's talking about".

"It was a normal New Year's Eve and there was the usual number of incidents," Dorset Mayor Barry Jarvis said.

"I don't give a rat's arse what he [the police inspector] says."

Police records tell a different story. Inspector Darren Hopkins told the Mercury on Sunday that 200 to 300 drunken youths were roaming the main street, beach, a private party and the caravan park and foreshore area drinking alcohol, urinating, vomiting on tents and punching each other.

He described it as the worst New Year's Eve in his 25-year career.

The 17 extra officers rostered on to assist the local police officer proved inadequate and back-up had to be provided from Launceston.

"We had 20 police there and we were run off our feet for three hours," Insp Hopkins said yesterday after being told of Councillor Jarvis' comments.

There were 14 arrests in the town, mostly for drunken anti-social behaviour but also for assault and drug possession.

By comparison, Hobart with a 10,000-strong crowd celebrating on the waterfront recorded just five arrests.

Insp Hopkins said the situation was so bad on his arrival at the caravan park that campers converged on his car asking for help before he had time to get out of the vehicle.

"The rubbish bins in the streets were overflowing with glass bottles, which could have been used as weapons, and there was no lighting at the beach so we were forced to rely on torches," he said.

"There could have been a defined area for the celebrations to help guard against the situation that unfolded.

"People were walking past houses and witnessing fights which they tried to break up and instead got punched themselves."

But Cr Jarvis said it was "all a load of crap".

"My view is that behaviour was no worse than in previous years and in general has improved over the last 10 years," he said.

Cr Jarvis said there was a small number of incidents involving about 40 young people between 10pm and 11.30pm, which affected "a tiny minority".

He slammed "irresponsible" media reports, which quoted police, and said the coverage had been "very damaging for Bridport's tourism image".

Local businesses contacted by the Mercury yesterday backed Cr Jarvis' version, with Bridport Takeaway proprietor Mick Alexander saying the "kids were magnificent".

Bridport Hotel licensee Robert Edwards said all he could confirm was that his venue was trouble-free throughout the night.


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