Tuesday 12 June 2012

The Holistic Approach to a Healthy Mind and Body | Healthy eating ...

By Prue D Lowen -

While traditional medicine ? going to the usual hospitals to visit the usual doctors to get the usual treatments and advice ? is all well and good, and is definitely something you should not forego should you be sick, it is also just as important to incorporate a more holistic approach to your health as well. You can?t have a truly healthy mind and body if you don?t make the effort to adapt a more all-encompassing way of maintaining your well being.

If you?re still unfamiliar with this approach and would like to know more, below are five key benefits to holistic health:

1. The holistic approach focuses on causes and patterns.

Yes, it is crucial for a doctor to inquire about your symptoms when you?re feeling sick. But how often does your doctor actually concern himself with the causes and patterns of your health? In order to maintain a healthy mind and body, insist on finding out as much as you can about why you?re feeling these particular symptoms. Get advice on how to recognize when your daily habits are becoming detrimental to your health. The more you know, the more you can avoid.

2. The holistic approach is more individualized.

More often than not, the treatments you get at a typical hospital were made to address the health needs of the general population. The problem is, you can?t have a truly healthy mind and body if your treatment is not personalized and customized for your unique needs. Each person?s body is incredibly unique, and it is crucial that the things it undergoes are what are truly best and most suited for it.

3. The holistic approach champions prevention.

Most of the time, you go to the hospital because you feel that something is already wrong with you. When you do things holistically, however, you also focus on trying to prevent these bad symptoms from happening in the first place. You can?t have a healthy mind and body for the long haul if you keep getting sick all the time, so adapt the more holistic method and remember than an ounce of prevention is most definitely worth a pound of cure!

4. The holistic approach is lifestyle-oriented.

If you want to maintain a healthy mind and body, it?s not just about popping a few vitamins in the morning and leaving it at that. You have to build a lifestyle that is absolutely in keeping with your health and wellbeing. The holistic way of doing things is totally lifestyle-oriented, in that sense. It goes out of its way to help you assess what things need fixing in your daily routine, and what needs amplifying as well.

5. The holistic approach sees medicine as a co-agent.

It?s always far better to see medicine as something that works with your body and not against your body. It?s not good for a healthy mind and body to insist that the treatments you?re taking are supposed to fight against your body. It?s not a war that?s going on in there, is it? It?s better, then, to see medication as something that complements and supplements your body?s inner workings. That way, the healing process is a far less negative one.

If you want what?s best for the entirety of your being-mind, body, and soul-then you should opt for the more holistic way of doing things. Don?t just let other people do things to your body without your express knowledge. The more you know about the way your body is getting treatment, the better! The next time you get hospitalized, then, insist on the principles stated above.

Prue Lowen is a staunch advocate of the holistic approach to health care. Follow her example and breathe new life into yourself.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Prue_D_Lowen

Article by The Self Improvement Blog (c) The Self Improvement Blog - Read full story here.

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