Wednesday 20 June 2012

Is it too much to ask? ..... - Talk About Marriage

so, i dabbled a bit with this site when i first got the idea of looking for help from people in similar situations.

now, i check this site regularly. while i don't have much advice to post to anyone, just being here is therapeutic.

hopefully this doesn't come off as bad, but it's nice to hear that my problems could be worse off. they are bad, and intolerable to me, but they could be worse.

it's also nice to see that there are other people like me that are willing to make efforts to change and adapt to make their relationships work...

in my relationship, after reading nmmng, i can see that i caused a lot of the issues i'm experiencing. i understand that and am taking ownership of those challenges and am currently in process of rectifying them.

however, during that process i'm being (have always been) open about my feelings, my needs, and how they are not being met. i guess this is one way that i don't fit the regular "nice guy" mold, that i always share how i feel.

it just baffles me, that over the years that she hasn't done anything to address the issues we are having. this whole thing started when i decided the trouble was no longer worth the effort, and i wanted to end this relationship. i communicated that we have one last shot before i lose all hope in salvaging what we have, and then that's when i found you guys...

i understand that she may change for the better (or worse) as i man up, but during that process, is it too much to ask:

- for someone to do a little research on how to better their relationship?
- for someone to acknowledge all the sacrifices their SO has made to ensure their happiness
- for someone to (if they just don't happen to think about it) set a reminder each day to do one nice thing for their SO that day
- seek out professional help if the SO is interested in MC
- initiate intimacy because you know your SO needs it

As I read more, and talk more about relationships with others, i am amazed at how committed some people are. willing to do what it takes. willing to work.

again, i know i have contributed to this problem we are having, but i don't think my sole actions have created it. how is it that i have got the one person that is so stubborn and unwilling to change (or simply to even share an interest in bettering ourselves)... when there are so many better people out there.

it's just so depressing that when i got married, i had no idea how people really should be. young, confused, thought i was in love, and i had no idea what a real relationship should be, let alone experience one with any substance, one with an equal partner.

i guess this kinda turned into a rant/dump - sorry about that. it started with a positive undertone - it could be worse, and people can actually care

if what i have now doesn't work out, i know there is someone else out there that will work, we will work. i've been deathly afraid (well, maybe an exaggeration) of being alone, but now i welcome the idea if that's what it takes to make me fully and truly happy.

you guys rock. thanks for being here. just sayin'

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