Thursday 3 January 2013

Best New Year's Resolution apps for iPhone

Best New Year's Resolution apps for iPhone

It's a new year, which means a new set of New Year's resolutions. 2013 is the year you're going to lose weight, get back in shape, get your finances in order, and get organized. Since your iPhone is with you almost all of the time, it will make a perfect companion on your journey to success and we've got a list of iPhone apps that are going to help you achieve your 2013 resolutions.

So without further ado, here they are!


If one of your goals for 2013 is to get in shape, the popular fitness program P90X may be something you're considering. With the P90X companion app, you can 'Bring It' to your iPhone and even get a discount on the DVD program. P90X for iPhone lets you schedule and track your progress and purchase guided workouts. All workouts can be purchased for $60, or you can buy them individually for $6.99 each.

Yoga Studio

Looking for a gentler workout program than the intense P90X workout? Yoga Studio for iPhone includes 30 unique yoga classes in 3D video ranging from 15, 30, and 60 minutes in length. The abilities include from beginning to advanced and focus on strength, flexibility, relaxation, balance, or a combination of all four. With over 280 poses with photos and detailed information, Yoga Studio is sure to have you mastering yoga and improving your health in no time.

Lose It!

In addition to working out, your diet has a significant impact on your overall health, and Lose It! is a great app for keeping track of what and how much you eat. It features a huge database of food and drink so that you can accurately track your calorie intake and you can also create your own recipes of foods that you eat. Even if you don't need to lose weight, Lose It! is a great way to make sure you're eating healthy and not on a track that will cause you to gain weight. Personal Finance

Money, you love and hate it, and this is the year you're going to get your finances on track and learn to better budget your spending. Personal Finance is an excellent app to help you reach your goal. Available on the iPhone, iPad, and web, allows you to track, budget, and manage your money from anywhere. Simply add your bank, credit, loan, and retirement accounts and Mint will categorize your transactions, produce graphical representations of your spending, send you reminders when bills are due, and more.

Budget with Back in Black

Another great app to help you with your finances is Budget with Back and Black. It breaks down your finances to the essentials, one month at a time, and looks amazing while it does it. One of the great features of Back in Black is the ability to set savings goals and set up monthly installments and reminders to keep you on track. Back in Black will also organize your spending into categories, let you view your monthly history and budget balance, and more.


Part of having an organized life is to keep a dedicated calendar. It can be easy to leave items off your calendar because of the time it takes to enter new appointments, but not with Fantastical. Fantastical is a calendar app with a unique entry system that allows you to simply type in new appointments in everyday language. "Meeting with Rene next Tuesday at 3p" is all you need to type and Fantastical will take care of the rest and fill out all the appropriate fields for you. Super fast. Super easy.


If you need more organization in your life, Clear is an excellent app for making and keeping track of lists. It's especially awesome for those who are new to list-making world because it's incredibly simple and fast and not a chore. It also features a gorgeous, gesture-filled UI that actually makes list-making fun.


Evernote has been a favorite of organizers and note-takers for ages. With Evernote, you can take notes, save photos, create to-do lists, record voice reminders, and make them all completely searchable and accessible from any device. Many other apps and products also integrate Evernote so that you can easily share data and information from other places into Evernote. Evernote is accessible from just about any mobile device, including the iPhone and iPad, and the web.


If managing your time more efficiently is a goal of yours for 2013, 30/30 is an excellent time manager for your iPhone. You simply set up a list of tasks and a length of time for each of them. When you start the time, 30/30 will tell you when to move on to the next task. This is especially awesome if you're self-employed.

Day One - Journal

Day One is a journalling app for the iPhone, iPad, and Mac that will help you save your memories, ideas, events, and photos, and keep them synced using iCloud or Dropbox. Long are the days of keeping handwritten journals that can be lost, stolen, or destroyed -- with Day One, your journal is safe in the cloud, easily searchable and sharable, and very beautiful.

Your favorite New Year's Resolution apps?

We admit that this is just a small list of all the amazing apps out there that can assist with keeping your goals this year, so please let us know what we missed and what you're using on your iPhone to ring in the new year. What are your resolutions for 2013?


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