Tuesday 22 May 2012

How you can get started in online video marketing | Website Design ...

Online videoOnline video is rapidly becoming as essential to businesses as a mobile strategy, but how to begin? David Twigg of
Online Marketing Consultants
says it?s simple: face the camera and tell your story.

Last week comScore produced their US Online Video rankings and US Online Video Ad Property rankings, which showed that 181 million American internet users watched just under 37 billion videos in the month of April and Video ads were shown 9.5 billion times with a reach of just over 50% amongst the US population.

As would be expected YouTube was the main contributor to this vast marketplace, lumped in with all Google sites there were17 billion video views at an average of 7.2 hours of video per user for the month, which works out to just under 15 minutes per user per day.

Hulu produced more ad views

In terms of video ad views Hulu produced more than the Google portfolio (including YouTube), 1.6 billion vs 1.3 billion and also a much higher frequency with the average user receiving 49 ads vs Google?s 18, ESPN averaged 27 ads per user with a total of 514 million ads delivered.

The difference in ads shown per user between content on Premium channels Hulu and ESPN vs YouTube is understandable, watching expensively produced TV would seem to deserve advertising partners more compared to the raft of amateur produced (though often very high quality) content of video sharing channels.

Despite this rapid rise of the amount of online video content, Businesses are still struggling to understand how best to leverage this medium.

As small mass video camera technology has improved so much in the last 2 years, face to camera videos can be created on a very limited budget,software editing packages and skilled editors are also a relatively cheap commodity, so creativity in the form of video is no longer determined by budget. In fact in 2012 there have been many viral videos that were produced for nothing and getting viewed millions of times.

David Twigg of OMC says ?Online Video is now becoming a fundamental communication tool for businesses, whether it be a simple way of distributing news or as a sales tool.

Face to camera gets more views than slides

Face to camera has been shown to get more views than leveraging slide presentations like powerpoint or keynote.??
YouTube Pay Per View Advertising
?took a new direction with True View earlier this year, it is too early to tell if this will ever be as powerful as Google adwords advertising but certainly for visual products like software and perhaps experience driven products like luxury cars there seems to be a great opportunity to target prospects through keyword targeting.

So how are companies leveraging this growing marketplace? The big brands have poured a lot of money into slick professional productions and plenty of bricks and mortar and ecommerce operations are using cheaper screen recording platforms but the vast majority of businesses are still video virgins.

?Often it?s vanity that precludes business people from wanting to put their face on the internet or the view that it is only for the younger generation but the reality is that video is now one of the strongest forms of communication we have, so to avoid it is allowing the competition to steal a march. I think by the end of this year there will be a lot more companies experimenting with face to camera videos?.

Technology certainly makes this media far more accessible than it has ever been before.

? 2012,
. All rights reserved.


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