Tuesday 5 June 2012

Home Improvement and the Economy | Home Improvement and ...

Lately with the uncertainty of the current economic environment in home improvement, I have noticed contractor hardship and complaints. Times are tough for both the home repair contractor and homeowner. However, there is always room for a contractor that is willing to bend with the ebb and flow this economy throws at us. Oh, I remember the times of plenty in the 1990?s money flowed like nobody?s business. Of course, like all things, it ends.

Today?s economy is a different animal that needs taming. There are ways to stay afloat as a small home improvement company and is accomplished by bending with the economy. What do I mean by that? Well, I mean be prepared to work a little harder and a little longer for a little less. What this will do is establish you in the community as a fair contractor willing to work with the homeowner.

Let us take web development as an example. Some of the sites you join at the time have a low page rank. However, you know the content is great and in your opinion in time this site will come into its own and you will reap the benefits of that website. I know web development examples are a stretch from home improvement. On the other hand, is it?

The present day economy suggests attacking business from all directions. You will need to spend time advertising to the potential client along with paying attention to the economy and the economical conditions. Times are tough, and money is hard to come by. Work with potential clients. Go the extra mile, separate yourself from the pack and become a good reference. In my humble opinion I have laid out a few steps below that I hope helps you in your endeavor.

1: Work on your advertising presence.
2: Watch your pricing.
3: Do not promise what you cannot deliver. (The last thing you need is to get a chance at a sale and overstate yourself)
4: Make your first shot your best. Put your best foot forward.
5: Work Hard!

These pointers should be obvious. Remember the homeowner wants the best for themselves and they should expect that. So Do it! Soon the economy will recover. When it does and if you have applied yourself, the work will come. With it, you will realize a feeling of accomplishment.

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