Wednesday 8 August 2012

Government Inquiry: Men should not seek ?sex without relationship ...

March 1995.?The Prostitution Commission of 1993 presents its final report K?nshandeln (The Sex Trade). Inga-Britt T?rnell, Sweden?s first Equality Ombudsman (J?mO) and now a Supreme Court judge, proposes that both buying and selling of sexual services should be criminal.

Sex-buying men are said to be average, except for their incorrect view of sex. They have, according to the experts in the Government inquiry, ?problems of vision of and approach to sexuality?. These men seek ?sexual release without relationship, closeness or requirements? and they have an ?inability to surrender themselves in genuine human contacts?, something that make them apt for treatment.

The main reason for criminalization is not individual ?injury? to buyer or seller. Instead prostitution ? as well as pornography ? is seen as a hindrance to the realization of a specific societal utopia:

?Prostitution also harms society at large. That men can buy access to women?s sex to satisfy their own sexual needs is contrary to the notion that all human beings have the same value and to the strive for full equality between men and women. Prostitution conveys an intolerable view of mankind and is an obstacle to individual development.?

Inga-Britt T?rnell perceives men?s sexuality as incomprehensible:

?The question of how it is possible for ?ordinary men? who are often married or living together for reasons of curiosity, excitement or permissiveness participate in an activity that they should know is destructive has remained unanswered. Possibly, men have not received adequate education and information that they actually use their sexual desire to harm other people and that such behavior is reprehensible and ultimately also will hurt themselves.?

The main Swedish arguments against prostitution ? equality between the sexes and that buyers ?use? sellers ? does not even apply to homosexual prostitution. In fact the Commission claims that the roles are reversed:

?Prostitution can be said to be relatively common in male homosexual culture (?) In homosexual prostitution the buyer tends to be the stigmatized part who is subject to violence and not the seller, as in heterosexual prostitution. Homosexual prostitution can for the seller sometimes be a mix of business activity and own lived out sexuality, something that practically never occurs in heterosexual prostitution.?

We will discover that this insight about homosexual prostitution will not affect women?s movements and legislators.

Inga-Britt T?rnell


This was an excerpt from the new eBook?A Brief History of Swedish Sex: How the Nation that Gave Us Free Love Redefined Rape and Declared War on Julian Assange?by Oscar Swartz.

Buy it at?Apple,?Amazon?or?Barnes & Noble.


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