Monday 27 August 2012

Web Development Trends For 2010 | Website design

Web Development is the general procedure involved in developing or creating websites for the internet. Web development is web site design united with server-side programming. The typical aim of web development is to produce a web application that is database driven. Web development can be for developing the simplest static single page of plain text to the most complex web-based internet applications, electronic businesses, or social network sites which rely heavily on the database.
Imagine one starting a new business or a service; they might want to go for a web site of their venture so that the people get to know about them and to benefit the audience online. Web Development is the in thing these days and almost every product or event has its own web application for promotional or sales motives.
The web development teams for large businesses consist of hundreds of people (web developers). Smaller organizations may only require a single permanent or contracting webmaster or a web designer, or secondary assignment to related job positions such as a graphic designer and/or Information systems technician. Web development can be a collaborative effort between departments rather than the domain of a designated department.
Numerous technologies are used in web development like ASP, PHP JAVA, FLASH, MY SQL, and ORACLE, etc.
There are specific trends on which web development is based, and these trends change with changing user and system needs. Some of the trends in web development and technology for 2010 include:-
1. Real time web and collaboration- Twitter is an example of sharing all happening in real time. The tasks of twitter were so huge and important that even major search engines like Google and Bing have introduced real-time Twitter content in their search results. In the long rung ? real time web and collaboration scenarios it has opened can prove to be a major change in the way how we work, live and play. Good example where all this can be used is ? real-time distributed journalism.
2. Social Networks APIs and tie-ups- In 2010 social networks will continue to dominate and be central pieces of web interactions, But in some different way. Nowadays, all major social networks are exposing their API?s allowing you to create really cool an innovative mashups. Taking the status from Twitter and drawing it in the real time over the Google Earthmap is just one of the very simple examples.
3. RIA platforms (Silverlight, Flex) and rich web frameworks- For long time web was nothing but the HTML, and then some JavaScript. Then richer and richer experiences have started to show around. In the later time, everyone seems to be talking about software as a service, rich web, and rich interactivity models ? all in all ? web is becoming central platform. Silverlight, Microsoft?s answer and technology for building rich online (and some support for offline) web and interactive experiences as well as Adobe?s Flex are major players in this role.
4. Augmented reality and mobile web- With the help of advanced AR technology (e.g. adding computer vision and object recognition) the information about the surrounding real world of the user becomes interactive and digitally usable. Superimposing digitally created objects on top of the real ones is certainly a big thing.
5. Content and data curation (not aggregation)- Today, the biggest challenge in the web appears to be finding and consuming the right content. But the main challenge is to get to that relevant information as fast as possible and to consume it as effective as possible. Personalization and custom tailored data and information delivery will start to play one of the major roles during the 2010.
These are the trends which we are set to see in near future in the area of web development. Applying of these technologies will surely help in creating web application that can handle a lot of services with an ease.
Sitehatchery is a company providing the services of web development and web design in California and Chico.

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