Wednesday 1 August 2012

Want to Lose Weight? Summer is a Good Time to Diet | Fashion ...

Lose Weight Summer DietIt?s no wonder losing weight is a big concern for so many people. Ideal weight (as per the BMI standard) is significant for our health and self confidence. If you are flabby and obese than you are susceptible to so many life threatening ailments and the social pressure.

The summer season provides an excellent opportunity to control and to shed some extra pounds. Natural inclination to eat lighter, drink more in summer, it?s just easier to make better food choices when heavy, high-calorie food seem less appealing.

Summer Weight Loss Tips

Now get that perfect shape you always craved for by following these simple tips.

Take a start with water

As a first step to control your diet is to start consuming enough water. Dehydration can often be confused with hunger. When you feel yourself becoming hungry, drink water, it will keep you from overeating.

Plan your Meals

Divide your meals into different categories like, early morning breakfast, breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, evening snack and dinner it will help to lose weight.

Have low Calories Summer Foods

Foods like yogurt, vegetables, and fruit juices have plenty of vitamins and mineral with low count of calories, add watermelon in your meal it fills your stomach for hours with max fiber and min fats. Spice your meals with salads of different vegetables being light, with low fat count will defiantly help you to control and lose weight and cholesterol level.

Workout in Summer

As compare to winter, people tend to go out for exercise more in summer this natural instinct may work in your favor. Through jogging, brisk walks and exercise you can burn a lot of calories in less time. Be motivated for summer exercise to lose weight and to shape your body

Foods to be avoided in Summer

Soft Drinks and Ice Cream

The fizzy cold drinks and yummy ice -creams seem more alluring to our parched throats during summers. But these can play havoc to your weight loss or diet plan. Instead of these satiate your thirst with simple plain water.

Coffee and Alcohol

Coffee and alcohol both act as diuretics ? substances that increase urination, which leads to a loss of excessive water from the body. People get dehydrated and misinterpret dehydration with hunger and starts over eating.

Avoid Fried Foods

Junk foods such as samosas, burgers and pizzas contain a lot of oil i.e to say fat on entering the body increases the metabolism rate and thereby people falls into habit of over eating and start gaining weight.

Now, armed with special dieting techniques for your diet, this summer, we expect you will organize a good diet plan to lose weight. Good Luck.

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